The advance in online trading and investing tools on the Internet has greatly changed the way you can control your finances...
For you, there is no longer a need to call anyone and ask for advice (unless you want to).
The days of calling a broker and asking what you should buy, and what you should sell, have become outdated. Now, you can monitor what is happening yourself online and take the actions that control your investments and trades yourself.
In addition, even if you talk to a broker all he can do is advise you the same as a financial advisor. In the end the decision is always yours. Yes, financial advice is great but in the end thats all it is - advice - and you have to make the decision.
So why is this different from how things used to be when you were first being told all about ‘buy and hold’ and trusting financial advisers?
Obviously there is a lot more information accessible to you now because of the internet. You could argue that 15 to 20 years ago you couldn’t do research on the stocks that you wanted to buy or understand how the financial markets works, but today you have access to learning resources on the internet which are available to most people in most countries.
With this access, anyone can learn how to trade and more importantly, trade successfully. All you need to do is lift your head up, look around and see what education is available. Once you do some research and gather the best teachings and strategies, you can begin learning and take back control of your own financial future!